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Now more than ever, we understand the real value of home
Wide range of properties
With over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.
Financing made easy
With 35+ filters and custom keyword search, we can help you easily find a home or apartment for rent that you'll love.
Trust by thousands
With more neighborhood insights than any other real estate website, we've captured the color and diversity of communities.
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Keeping our clients, employees, and partners informed is one of our top priorities.
The experts in local and
international property
Founded in the UK in 1955, Rentex is one of the world's leading property agents. Our experience and expertise spans the globe, with 600 offices across the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East.
Our scale gives us wide-ranging specialist and local knowledge, and we take pride in providing best-in-class advice as we help individuals, businesses and institutions make better property decisions.
Our scale gives us wide-ranging specialist and local knowledge, and we take pride in providing best-in-class advice as we help individuals, businesses and institutions make better property decisions.
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